#104 Love during spring season
VERSE 83 SPRING (4) - VASANTA RITU (pr: Vasanta Rutu) (3) Bhartrihari used SIX verses to describe SPRING season. This is the THIRD verse. (81 to 86). Avaasaha kim kimcideeva, daita paarsvee vilaasa alasaha, Karn`ee kookila kaaminii kalaravaha, smeeroo lataa man`t`apaha, goosht`hii satkavibhisamam, katipayais seevyaaha sitaams`oo karaaha, keeshaam cit sukhayantyaveehi, hridayee caitree vicitraaha srajaha. GIST The poet describes the blissful days of spring-time spent by the fortunate, by the following happy events: a) tired wife on the side, happy after intercourse; b)hearing the 'kuhu' sounds of female cuckoos ; c)staying under the fully blooming canopies of creepers and shrubs; d)participating in delightful discussions of poets and scholars ; e)awe inspiring, bewitching moon-lit nights .