VERSE 87 SUMMER (1) - GRISHMA RITU (pr: Griishma Rutu) (1) Bhartrihari used THREE verses to describe summer season. This is the FIRST verse. Achchaachcha candana rasaa aardra taraa mrigaakshyoo Dhaaraa grihaan`i, kusumani a, kaumudii ca, Mandoo marut sumanasaha, s`ucii harmya prisht`ham, Grishmee madam ca, madanam ca, vivandhyanti. GIST Even in hot summer, men can get comfortable, strong, and willing to receive Cupid. The poet describes the facilitators: 1. 'Deer-eyed' Damsels whose bodies are applied with sandalwood paste. 2. Homes fitted with water fountains and showers . 3. Flowers . 4. Moonlight . 5. Slow weaving breeze . 6. Clean terrace of the house. madam = hyperactivity because of strength and potence. madanam = Cupid's affectations.