
Showing posts from January, 2008

#084 Female cuckoos and women whose husbands are away

VERSE 84 SPRING (4) - VASANTA RITU (pr: Vasanta Rutu) (4) Bhartrihari used SIX verses to describe SPRING season. This is the FOURTH verse. (81 to 86). Paantha strii virahaanalaahuti kalaa maatanvatii manjarii Maakandeeshu pikaanganaabhir aadhunaa sootkant`ham aalookyatee Alpaastee nava paat`alaa parimala praag bhaara paat`achcharaa Vaanti klaanti vitaanataa navakritaaha S`rii khand`a s`aila anilaaha. GIST In the first two lines, the poet is using an apt simile: He is comparing female cuckoos to women whose husbands are away/abroad and separated from them. Blooming MANGO flowers arouse desires both in SEPARATED WOMEN and the CUCKOOS . In the last two lines, the poet is describing the gentle breezes flowing from the sandalwood filled 'Sri forests' (S`rii khand`a s`aila). The winds too have two functions: 1. Stealing and absorbing the scents of blooming Paat`alii flowers . 2. Ameliorating the fatigue of the tired bodies of lovers after their long intercourse. BLOGGER...

#085, Living with women during spring season

VERSE 85 SPRING (6) - VASANTA RITU (pr: Vasanta Rutu) (5) Bhartrihari used SIX verses to describe SPRING season. This is the FIFTH verse. (81 to 86) Pradhitaha pran`ayavatiinaam taavat pada maatanootu hridi maanaha Bhavati na yaavat, candana taru surabhir malaya pavamaanaha. GIST Women, whenever, they come to know about the philandering of their lovers, are affected by jealousy. Such ladies turn their faces aside, when their husbands approach them and refuse to speak to them. The same ladies, with the advent of spring season, get caught by Cupid, when hit by the cool southern breezes flowing through the sandalwood plants. They lose all their temper and reapproach their husbands again. BLOGGER'S VIEW This verse might have been appropriate in the 7th Century A.D. during which period male domination and polygamy were common among Indian households.

#086 Who will not be aroused during spring season?

VERSE 86 SPRING (6) - VASANTA RITU (pr: Vasanta Rutu) (6) Bhartrihari used SIX verses to describe SPRING season. This is the SIXTH verse. (81 to 86) Sahakaara kusuma keesara nikara bharaamooda muurchita digantee Madhura madhu vidhura madhupee madhau bhaveet kasyan ootkant`ha. GIST During the spring season, the scent of blooming mango flowers fill the environment all around. The bees will be tired of sucking the abundant nectar from the mango flowers. Who will not be aroused with desires in this season? (Implied answer: Everybody will be aroused).