#084 Female cuckoos and women whose husbands are away
VERSE 84 SPRING (4) - VASANTA RITU (pr: Vasanta Rutu) (4) Bhartrihari used SIX verses to describe SPRING season. This is the FOURTH verse. (81 to 86). Paantha strii virahaanalaahuti kalaa maatanvatii manjarii Maakandeeshu pikaanganaabhir aadhunaa sootkant`ham aalookyatee Alpaastee nava paat`alaa parimala praag bhaara paat`achcharaa Vaanti klaanti vitaanataa navakritaaha S`rii khand`a s`aila anilaaha. GIST In the first two lines, the poet is using an apt simile: He is comparing female cuckoos to women whose husbands are away/abroad and separated from them. Blooming MANGO flowers arouse desires both in SEPARATED WOMEN and the CUCKOOS . In the last two lines, the poet is describing the gentle breezes flowing from the sandalwood filled 'Sri forests' (S`rii khand`a s`aila). The winds too have two functions: 1. Stealing and absorbing the scents of blooming Paat`alii flowers . 2. Ameliorating the fatigue of the tired bodies of lovers after their long intercourse. BLOGGER...