#116 Moon-lit autumn nights
Verse 96 DESCRIPTION OF LOVERS' BEHAVIOR ON NIGHTS OF MOONLIT AUTUMN Artham suptva nis`ayaha sarabhasa surataayasa sanna s`lathaangaa Proodbhuutaasahya trishn`oo madhu mada niratoo harmya prisht`hee viviktee Sambhooga klaantaa kaantaa sithila bhuja lataa varjitam karkariitoo Jyootsnaa bhinnachcha dhaaram pibati na salilam s`aaradam, manda pun`yaha. GIST Bhartruhari is finding a man unfortunate. (In the meaning of a person: who did not perform any virtuous acts to deserve a better fate). What is the misfortune? The man does not have the fortune of drinking water brought by his beloved, on an autumn night. What is so special about it? Her hands are tired by the exhausted, worn and torn out shoulders and elbows, during a prolonged strong embrace by her lover. In what condition was the lover? He himself suffers from unsatiated lust and passion. He is inebriated. Where is all this going on? On the rear side of the house. How did he spend his night? He spent half the night ...